Are you one of those businesses that still thinks they can get away without a business text messaging solution? Perhaps you can tread water for a while longer but if you are looking to grow and expand your business, then having a text messaging service for your business is no longer optional – it is simply a must-have.
According to a survey of mobile consumers in 2017 by Deloitte, the average person checks their mobile device 47 times per day and text messages are usually read within the first 3 minutes of being received. Add to that figure that there are nearly 5 billion mobile users globally, with the number of consumers willing to opt-in to receiving business texting to rise 50% by 2020 and now you start to see what kind of market your business can no longer afford to ignore.
What are the Business Text Messaging Benefits?
#1 – Ice Breaker
The key to communicating with customers is getting your message into their hands. Moreover, they not only need to receive it but they have to absorb it. Emails are often deleted en-masse, telephone calls are ignored and social media is a jungle where only the most brash and outrageous survive. Business texting, on the other hand, slips past all of those defenses and obstacles in a medium that the customer prefers. When a phone ‘bings’ or ‘buzzes’ from a text it is nearly impossible for the owner to ignore. As mentioned, text messages are viewed within 3 minutes of reception, if not instantly and now you’ve broken the ice and set the stage for a conversation.
#2 – Conversation, Two Ways
With the right SMS business text messaging solution, your business can respond to customers in real-time. Think of SMS as offering your customers the Bat Phone to your business, allowing them to signal for help anywhere and anytime. How is that for customer service? Instead of having to call, email, or appear in-person, they can text and get an immediate response from a real person with real answers.
For your team, SMS business texting looks just like instant messaging. The interface is easy and intuitive, making their responses clean, quick and effective. While your customer is thumbing out questions, you or your team have the full power of your business tools to provide your customers with the best service possible, with your responses appearing as text messages on your customer’s mobile device.
#3 – Data Diamonds
If we’ve learned anything in this brave new world of business, it is that data is king. Having data about your customers allows you to hone your marketing, improve your service delivery and deal with issues before they become problems. With the right text messaging service for business in place you can:
- Prioritize favorite customers
- Save and access chat history
- Set follow-up messages
We all have those customers that require a little extra care but it’s hard to keep track of them all. With a smart business texting solution you can make sure that those customers are cared for quickly, that you or your staff are aware of all previous conversations and you can pre-set messages to ensure that the service or support provided was satisfactory. This proactive approach to communication, based on data, gives you the edge over the competition and keep those customers that are hard to please coming back.
Business Text Messaging Features
Check out some of our business texting features!
Text Messaging Service for Business Solution
So, you’re sold. Your business needs a text messaging service, but as a smart business owner you want to make sure that you get the best bang for your buck. Here are the must-have features for your business text messaging solution.
Local Numbering
As discussed, everyone checks their mobile device when it signals a text message but the fastest way for a text message to be ignored is when it comes from an unfamiliar number. Anything that looks like it comes from even as far away as the next town can be off-putting. Numbers matching the local area are paramount to a successful solution, as it makes customers feel more comfortable with the answers and open to communicating with someone “local”.
Tags and Templates
As SMS for business becomes more popular, your team will need shortcuts to getting the right information out quickly, so that they can move on to the next customer without wasting valuable time. The business texting solution you adopt needs to offer you the ability to draft pre-made text templates that are auto-populated through field tags, making them both incredibly fast and personalized. Imagine providing your clients with a response to their query, personalized specifically to them, all in one click – that’s the reality of a great business text messaging solution.
Eye Candy
Lastly, make sure the solution looks great! You or your team may be spending quite a bit of time responding to customers on the platform, so it needs to be pleasing to the eye, intuitive and easy to use. You should be able to create contacts, add contacts from SMS, search contacts, receive alerts, include links and files, schedule appointments or follow-up messaging and all of those features should be available from an interface that is a joy to use. Remember, your business deserves the best.
Get Down to Business Texting
It’s undeniable that business texting is essential to taking your business to the next level. Customers are demanding text as an option for interacting with businesses and text is proven to be one of the best means for getting your message in front of customers where they will actually see it.
Now that you are armed with the knowledge of what makes a great text messaging solution for business, it’s time to add it to the arsenal of tools that give your business an advantage over the competition.
Take it for a Test Drive
The best way to experience the platform is to try it out yourself!

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