With UltraSMSScript, you now have the ability to shorten links in the platform using your own domain name that you register for this purpose. For example, you can register a domain name like lkshrt.co and when shortening links, it will create a link with that domain name…like lkshrt.co/1, which would then redirect to the long URL you have shortened. Most carriers no longer allow commercial link shorteners like bit.ly, goo.gl, rebrand.ly, tiny.cc, etc…and will just block the messages that contain them. Using your own domain for this purpose will allow you to bypass spam filters allowing messages to be sent with short URLs!

You will also be able to track clicks on each short link you create! These stats will be available in 2 places. First, you can see the clicks for each link in the short links module where you have all your short links created. Second, you can see the number of clicks for a link you sent against a specific campaign in the logs module, inside the sent statistics page. Clicks are tracked per unique IP address. If a person clicks the short link multiple times from the same IP address, only the 1st click is tracked. The best way to track the effectiveness of a campaign is to track how many unique clicks happened from your list. If you sent to 100 people, and you received 50 clicks, you can be sure that 50 people clicked your link.