Quick Response codes are 2D matrix barcodes that allow a number of actions to be performed on mobile devices. The number of uses that these codes hold are only limited to what actions that the device scanning it can perform. Although they have only recently begun to be used by firms in the United States as a means for transmitting information, they have been in use in countries like Japan for years. The major increase people using their smartphones for everyday tasks has dramatically increased just how powerful QR codes can be as a marketing tool.
In essence, a QR code allows the gap between offline and online businesses to be bridged. This means that instead of waiting on a consumer to go home, enter an URL and sign up for a mailing list, they can subscribe their mobile phone to one just by scanning a code. They can also look up more information on a product or service, view landing pages and do even more things that a printed page simply doesn’t have room for.
With UltraSMSScript, you can create many different types of QR Codes. Previously in the QR codes module, there was the ability to only add “URL” type QR codes, where a QR code when scanned would go to that URL. Now, you can add many more types of QR codes – URL, Location(which is linked to coordinates on Google Maps), E-Mail, Text, Phone, SMS, WI-FI, V-card, and PayPal!