UPDATE – Nov 1, 2024
- Telnyx 10DLC API Integration – We have now integrated with Telnyx’s 10DLC Brand and Campaign registration APIs so that your clients can easily and automatically submit their 10DLC details through their user panel dashboard! They can submit their Brand and Campaign details, track the status of these requests, and assign their number(s) to their Campaign once it has been approved. For the other SMS gateway providers we are integrated with like Twilio, Plivo, etc…we will integrate with their 10DLC APIs soon, but for now, your clients can still submit their 10DLC details through these new modules as well, but you as the admin, would just have to take those details and submit them inside your SMS gateway console. You can view these details through the admin panel and through an email which will be sent to your support email address.
Brands – Add, edit, delete, vet, refresh status, and add campaigns to the brand
Brand Vetting Form – Optionally have the brand vetted for higher sending speeds & throughput
Campaigns – Add, edit, delete, refresh status, and assign numbers to campaigns
Assign Numbers to Campaign – Assign numbers, delete numbers from campaign, and refresh status
We have also integrated new payment collection flow after the submission of each of these details, so you can collect Brand and Campaign registration fees from your clients, since the SMS providers and TCR(The Campaign Registry) charge for that. These charges will be deducted from your SMS gateway account’s pre-paid balance, and the platform is simply passing these fees down to your clients for you, as the admin, to collect.We have also added a new flag when creating user accounts from the admin panel called “Admin User Account”. If the admin is creating their own user account they will be using for their own business, they can turn select Yes for this new flag, and it will ignore this new payment flow, which only makes sense to collect money from their clients, not themselves. - Web Browser Push Notifications – We have now integrated with Pusher for users to be able to receive web browser push notifications on any non-keyword incoming SMS and new subscribers! Even when a user is not logged into the UltraSMS platform, they will receive a web browser push notification as soon as they receive any non-keyword incoming SMS and new subscribers to their user account, as long as that user gives permission from that browser when prompted. This will happen as soon as they log into their dashboard, and once they give permission, that’s all that is needed.
- Attach Contact Card(vCard) to Auto-Replies and Responders – We have now added the ability to attach a vCard(.vcf or virtual contact file) as a MMS to the group’s auto-reply and to the auto-responders module! This allows you to share a contact file with your business name, user account phone number, email, picture, etc…to any new subscribers that just joined your list.
After they text in the keyword, they will receive this contact file(along with the auto-reply text), so they can import it as a new contact on their phone. Your customer will then be able to instantly recognize your marketing texts whenever they come in, instead of just some random number they might not recognize or just brush it off as spam.
This will greatly increase the effectiveness of any SMS marketing campaign because your customers will know who the message is coming from. Since messages sent from SMS marketing services don’t go through your own business phone number, people often interpret your messages as spam. They may be confused about who the texts are coming from. If they’re subscribed to multiple different businesses’ SMS alerts, their messaging apps’ inboxes can become a wasteland of unidentified phone numbers. Giving them the ability to import your contact info into their phones will make your future messages stand out since they will know who it is coming from. - Auto-Responders Minutes Setting – We have now added a new “minutes” option to the auto-responders module, giving you the ability to send back an auto-responder message minutes after a subscriber joins a list. Currently, you can only create these responders to go out in either hours or days after someone joins. These are not to be confused with the group’s auto-reply message. The auto-reply gets sent back immediately after someone texts in the keyword to join a list.
Auto-responders work a bit differently in that they automatically send SMS back to the subscribers after they join your list on a preset schedule much like email autoresponders work, so you can automatically send them a message 5 minutes, 3 hours, 1 day, 7 days or 30 days after they subscribe. You set whatever interval you want. You can setup an entire follow-up SMS campaign with them after they subscribe, all handled automatically once you have your autoresponder series configured exactly how you want, and now have additional functionality with the new minutes option.
- Reschedule All Undelivered Messages from a Recent SMS Blast – We have received this request often from our clients, who wanted a way to reschedule ONLY the undelivered messages from a recent blast and now, we have added this feature. When going to the Bulk SMS outbox logs, inside the “Sent Statistics” page for that specific blast, you will see a new link under the “Actions” drop down called “Reschedule Undelivered Messages”. This will reschedule all messages for that blast on the date/time selected that are marked as “delivery_failed”, “undelivered”, or “not-delivered”.
It will NOT reschedule messages marked as “failed” as those are usually issues with the numbers themselves, like bad or invalid numbers. Messages marked as “delivery_failed”, “undelivered”, or “not-delivered” might have failed due to messages possibly exceeding certain carrier thresholds, or issues with the SMS gateway, and simply rescheduling only these messages for a future time can resolve such issues, which means in the end, reaching more of your customers.
- Added Scheduling, Batch Processing, and Throttling to Polls – We have now added the ability to schedule your polls! Previously you could only send them immediately. We also added the same batch processing and throttling feature you currently see on the Bulk SMS module allowing you to execute bigger jobs and split them into smaller batches greatly reducing load on the server while also minimizing job execution times. With that comes the ability to pause and resume batches for finer control and flexibility when sending polls. In addition, you can now control the speed at which the polls are processed by selecting the speed from the sending throttle selector.
- New 14 Day Message Status History on Dashboard – We have now added a new chart on the dashboard giving you the previous 14 days message status history of all outbound and inbound messages. Here you can see the total number of messages for each status over the course of the past 14 days, and hover over the chart to get a glimpse into each day for each status.
- Numbers Module – We have created a new numbers module where a user can view all the numbers they own in their account, view those number permissions, number type(10DLC or Tollfree), if a number is assigned to any 10DLC campaign, and can release numbers if they choose to do so. This new module can be accessed from the new “Number Registration” menu.
- New User Promo Codes – You can now create promo codes in the admin panel and give these codes a certain SMS, Voice, and Lookup credits value. When your new clients sign-up and create their account using one of these codes, their account will automatically be given those credits. This is great way to advertise your service to new or prospective clients.
- Export ALL Opt-Out Contacts – We have now added the ability to export all contacts who have opted out from the contacts module. You can do this by going to the “Actions” drop down in the upper right of the page and clicking the “Export Optout Contacts” link.
- Create Group and Import in 1 Step – We have added a checkbox to the contact import process where you can now create the group you want to import the .csv file in 1 step. If checked, it will automatically create the group based on the file you are importing. The group name will be created as the file name you are uploading. This will allow for easier segmentation and tracking based on the individual files being uploaded. If you already have a group created and want to import into that group instead, you can leave this unchecked.
- Suspending User Accounts – Admin’s can now suspend individual user accounts from the admin panel, which will revoke all permissions for that user account. When the user attempts to log into their account, they will be shown a pop-up window informing them that their account has been suspended and to contact the admin’s support email address(entered in the admin config). Admin then can unsuspend the user account, automatically unrevoking their permissions, giving them access to their account once again.
- Terms & Conditions Pop-up – We are now showing a comprehensive terms and conditions pop-up window when the user logs into their account for the 1st time. Before they can continue, they must check the box at the bottom of the window to accept the conditions.
- Terms & Conditions/Privacy Policy URL Fields – We added terms & conditions and privacy policy URL fields to the user account page a user can save for their own business. These 2 URLs are then displayed as hyperlinks on the web widget opt-in form if you are collecting opt-ins this way. This is a 10DLC requirement by the TCR that the terms and conditions and privacy policy URLs must be shown on these types of forms where opt-ins are being collected.
- Dashboard Changes – In addition to adding the 14 day message status history to the dashboard, we removed some of the panels at the bottom containing all the purchased user account packages, past receipts/transactions, and old secondary numbers module. We have now moved those over to separate pages which can be accessed in the top right menu drop down. This significantly unclutters the dashboard for a much more streamlined look. In addition, we have moved the credit counters to the top left of the menu, instead of in the top header section and this has made the display when viewing on a mobile device much cleaner.
- Contact Import Numbers with Country Codes – We made a change to the contact import process where if the file contains numbers with the country codes(prefixes) already included, and the country code(prefix) drop down on the import page also had the country code selected, it will ignore what is selected in the country code drop down. Previously in these situations, it was importing the numbers with duplicate country codes, making them invalid numbers.
- Delete Blacklist Words from Admin Panel – In a past release, we added a feature where the admin can add blacklist words from the admin panel, and if any of those words are contained in any outbound message sent from the platform, it prevents it from being sent. There was no way though to delete a blacklist word, if the admin ever wanted to remove it, so now we have added that option.
- Performance Improvements on Paging Data – We made some performance improvements on paging large data sets. This is especially noticed in the contacts and logs modules where you can have large data sets returned from the database. When paging through those returned results, previously it was taking anywhere between 8-15 seconds depending on the size of the result set being returned. Now, that has been been improved to 2-4 seconds for the same size data set.
- Show Message on SMS Chat Thread – When sending a single SMS to a contact from the “Send a Single SMS” pop-up window, that message will now appear on the 2-way SMS chat window for that contact to maintain conversation history. Previously, it was not showing those messages sent from that pop-up window on the contact’s SMS chat thread.
- QR code for the Group Fix – We have fixed an issue for the QR codes being generated for each group. These codes are found inside the group’s module, that when scanned, will pre-populate that keyword associated with that group inside the person’s phone messaging app.
- Email to SMS Fix for PHP 8 – We have fixed an issue on PHP 8 installations for the email to SMS feature.

Old Sending Poll Window – Limited functionality. No scheduling, no batch processing, or throttling

New Sending Poll Window – New scheduling, batch processing and throttling